Monday, November 14, 2011

David Morgan, The “Silver Guru” of “The Morgan Report” Explains Why He is “More Bullish on Silver Now”

SNNLive was pleased to welcome David Morgan, Founder and Editor of The Morgan Report to the stage at the Silver Summit Conference 2011 in Spokane, WA. The self-described “Metals Head”, was “seduced by silver at the tender age of 11″, and has become a “precious metals aficionado”, according to his website.
His website, is where is his own publication, “The Morgan Report” resides. In brief, “the report looks at the silver and gold markets each month and also explores the commodity markets, the general stock market and is devoted to help you make money by investing in this exciting sector”. Mr. Morgan’s passion for silver as led to appearances on FOX and CNBC to discuss his insights and research reports.

In this interview, David Morgan reflects on the silver and gold markets in 2011 by stating, “Like any market, it [silver] goes up and down…I still think silver is undervalued compared to gold“, and also makes the claim that “you can make strong argument that silver spiked first before gold“. Even though “silver has been volatile”, as he states, “I think that it will take a few more months to build a base and come back up”, where his “ultimate target price is $100/oz“. Although Mr. Morgan is very passionate about silver, his website also delves deep into the heart of the gold market, while maintaining its silver motif.
For more information on “The Morgan Report”, visit or type in the URL, which redirects you to You can also follow David Morgan on Twitter @SilverGuru22.

You can see the interview here.

Eric Sprott talks to James Turk in Munich
