Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Eric Sprott: The Government Lied… There is No More Silver!

Silver Institute Predicts Rising Demand For Industrial Silver

A GFMS report for the Silver Institute predicts a bullish picture for the future of industrial silver demand with a record high of 665.9 million ounces in 2015.

The GFMS study, The Future of Silver Industrial Demand, made public Monday, also forecast the annual average silver price to continue to rise this year, "driven in large part by further inflows of investment demand, and supported by additional growth in fabrication demand."

"Looking ahead, a bullish picture for the future of silver industrial demand emerges. From an estimated volume of 487.4 Moz in 2010, the global total is expected to post an uninterrupted period of growth through to a record high of 665.9 Moz in 2015," said the report.